Project Overview
This topic pertains to the process of timekeeping. Individuals employ various methods for recording time, such as through photography, personal artifacts, and diary entries. People possess unique approaches to storing time as a souvenir. Although time moves inexorably forward, humans have a penchant for reminiscing. Consequently, individuals often arrange and preserve objects like photographs, antique furniture, household appliances, and handicrafts that document time.
The Time Exhibition Hall is a place to commemorate time, allowing people to see photos and objects from different periods and recall the past. It is designed for childhood, love, and essential event details that help people to remember, which serves the primary function of the Time Exhibition Hall. History and cherish the peaceful present.
The inspiration behind the creation of the Time Exhibition Hall stemmed from a photography exhibition I had attended previously. The exhibition showcased pictures of various historic towns, leaving me with a sense that time is impartial and ruthless to all. The past remains forever unalterable, and we must all continue onward with the relentless flow of time. Despite the longing to cling to bygone eras, recollecting memories using photographs and other historical objects is the only recourse.
Design Process
The Time Exhibition Hall categorizes and exhibits various mediums, including photography, sculptures, handicrafts, and antiques from various historical periods. Presenting these items in distinct styles and themes gives visitors a more immersive and contextualized experience. The inclusion of an hourglass and eyes in the exhibition's logo serves as a symbolic representation of the transience of time. Inevitably, we all witness the passage of time, leaving only memories behind and providing an opportunity for others to experience the past by exploring historical artifacts.

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